Well i'm still learning Maria Vega told me how to add my favorite blogs which i did, then i had a kinda suggestion i should take the BITCH of my blog BUT nooooo that would be wrong like it was to take away a tody to a child or a bone to a dog or my cat's sleepy time place??? So i'm keeping the BITCH yeayayaye.
I have contacted someone to help me makeover my blog to be more personalized i do hope so because mmm yeah i like shopping and my blog has to be more meeee and this one isn't as cute.
So i'm soooooo happy i got raks from my friendssss so i'm putting the pictures because i'm very grateful.

My first RAK from Eulanda a just because she liked me, i send an e-mail to bellaholicsanonymous because i ws cahrged about $30.00 on the mexican postal office for a package that arrived of bellas from stampingbella so she felt bad and send me these how cool is she!!!

Then I got the best RAK evaaaaaa from Katie C She bought me the best clear stamp studio g i loveeeee them i need some for fourth of july halloween my favorite time christmas thanksgiving, and summer would love moreeee pleaseeee and the card she send me was eye opening Katie C has le plume markers too and she made it with them i loved it too cute i'm keeping everything.

Then My darling friend Ami Cook send me all these goodies and Ami i have to admit I LOVED THE CHOCOLATE SKITTLES SORRYYYYY an the card she made me is me right now also the ribbons to die for and then a good luck stamp studio g cool and before my BF's B-DAY which is the 17 of March St. Patricks Day and OMG OMG OMG the cherry M&M's because they where 2 i actually eat about 5 per day and i still have one more bag and i just can't open it i would love to eat it all i do hope i go to texas soon to buy my ew addictions but of course need to exercise the calories off.

Then My sistah LYLAS (LOVE YA LIKE A SISTAHHHH) Mary send me allll of these wowwwwww i needed to do something cool for her so i send her all the bellas images about 130 of them and i made a calendar for her and again CHOCOLATE SKITTLES yeah those areeee so gone, all the paper, and the ribbons and the card she send me too cute also some clear stamps from studio g again my pattern on the shopping. LOVEEEEEE EVERYTHINGGGG

Then Yesssssssssss (kinda like in the movie THE PRODUCERS) loved that part anyways another one RAK from Tammy my first sistah we thought the package was lost but nooooo thanks alot she send me the cuttest calendar that she made, adorable cards, ribbons, clear stamps from studio g, the cuttest pink mailbox love it i have ribbons on it, a glitter mat stack which i loveeeee love loveeeeee glitter and bling bling a big mexican santa really cute i have it already in my house with my other toys, some paper, some cards, a little doll i think from peru??? a little scrapbook, and epoxy letter in black loveeeee them thanks Tammy thanks for being my sistahhhhh i do hope you liked the stuff i send you!!!
Thanks to all of you for being my friends my sistahs and my mentors i'm soooo learning from you.