SOOOOO I'm right now going GAGAGAGAAAAA over skulls so much that I will have a surprise of skulls Susan Dube has seen them and she lovessss them so I know lots of you will love them too.
Anyways my BF is just so cute and adorable and a wonderful Executive Chef of JOSE CUERVO one of the biggest companies in Mexico of tequila of course.
But that is not why I fell in love with him, he takes care of me like a princess and even calls me one, and he has seen me even without makeup and still says i'm his princess.
So we went out on sunday before the concert of Rod Stewart to downtown Mexico and he bought me the cutest thing ever one skull kid sweatshirt, a kaboodles red glitter makeup bag that I use to put my bellas premade and needed one, the cutest skull earrings and a hot pink file folder for the cards I make.