Mampis woke up at 4 am kinda nervous about something, then I couldn't sleep who knows why!!!
We had breakfast and toke the second truck to the storage, when we came back to the house we saw a dvd I really need to see all the dvd's I bought because if one isn't working I have to take it back and I can I have 5 days to do it!!!
We went to eat to SALTGRASS mmmmmmm I had baby back ribs I WANT MY BABY BACK BABY BACK BABYYYYYY BACKKKKKKK RIBSSSS Mampis had chicken tenders and my parents had an amazing RIB EYE YUMMMMMY.
I told my mum we have too go to JOANN I saw one near the airport and we are near the airport and it's near the North Star Mall so I thought I know how to drive in san antonio I have no idea how I got really lost I mean really lost but some how I didn't end up in the Joann that I wanted I somehow got to an older Joann and guess what everything 70 off yesssssss 70 off so me and Mampis bought some Luxury paper for 6 dollars and 3 punches of fiskars forrrrrrr 3.50 each can you die at the deal ohhhhhhh i'll be making great cards for my baby with those!!!
Then we went to Target bought some scrapbooking items and some shirts then guess what we got lost again and in the airport but this time I told my mum hey I know a shortcut and then vroooooom I drove hey like me a psycho person and I got in the NORTH STAR MALL
FINALLYYYYYYYYYY we where there for 4 hours who says shopping doesn't count as exercise is probably a guy!!! But I didn't find any clothes that I like of course Mampis did but at least I made my apointment for my eyebrows.
I found these amazing coach tennis shoes and guess who bought them instead of me..... Blanquita MY MOTHERRRRRR
But hey maybe I could borrow them???
We got home and had a light dinner
Then we saw SHUTTER which is good and SYDNEY WHITE but then I fell asleep again