We had to stay in yeyayayayaya NOoooooooooooooo it sucked my father bought 2 trucks so we had to stay and wait for them to be delivered when the first one arrived we toke it to an storage thingy who knows and who cares, then we went to HEB and yesssssss I saw all the halloween stuff and guess what I didn't bought anything at all can you believe this.
Then we left the house with Blanquita and went to lunch to TAIPEI I will add pictures later of everything.
I saw this cute store called San Antonio stamps and I had to buy some DIA DE MUERTOS STAMPS that I love!!!

We got home really tired then my dad got this crazy idea to have subway for dinner again yes subway so mampis and me went with him but he then toke us on a mini tour too HOME DEPOT and yet again no halloween items this is worring me would this be the year I won't buy halloween stuff ohhhhhh that is a scray thought maybe at least some socks???
We got in an HEB and I just wanted something different to eat there we saw this rosticery chicken italian herbs that looked sooooooo good so hey we had to get it and a delizzzzzz potato salad and an edamame salad believe me cheap and nutrizzzz.